Some composed prints.
- PhD Thesis Cryptosporidium spp. prevalence, relationship with the general inflammatory response, faecal microbiota and halofuginone lactate treatment in calves (2023)
- PhD Thesis Changes in acute-phase proteins’ concentrations of neonatal ruminants in relation to colostrum and weight gain (2022)
- PhD Thesis Polyphenolic composition of rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticum L.) and blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.), antibacterial and free radical scavenging properties of these plants in comparison with some other food plants (2021)
- PhD Thesis Evaluation of a fixed-dose combination of butorphanol-azaperone-medetomidine (BAM) for chemical immobilisation of African lion, blesbok, and cheetah (2020)
- PhD Thesis Epidemiology of Mycoplasma bovis intramammary infection in dairy herds (2020)
- Personalia Once again about breeding. Book 4.Continuation of Personal listings, Estonia needs breeding, and About life, conditions and breeding. 2009-2018. Olev Saveli, Doctor (Agricultural Science), Professor Emeritus (2018)
- Book From Estonian Agricultural Academy to Estonian University of Life Sciences. Developments in study activities in 1951–2018 (2018)
- Personalia Anne Lüpsik 70 (2018)
- PhD Thesis Expression of BMP and Pax Proteins in the Central Nervous System of Human and Rat Embryos at Early Stages of Development (2017) (PDF format)
- Brochure Euroopa Parlamendi ja Nõukogu tõuaretusealase määruse arutelu (2016) (PDF format)
- Book Akadeemiline Põllumajanduse Selts 95 (2015) (ESTER)
- Cover + colour photos Lambakasvatus I (2012) (ESTER)
- Book Loomakasvatus (2012) (ESTER)
- Book 125 aastat tõuraamatute pidamist Eestis (2010) (PDF format 3578 KB)
- Book 125 aastat tõuraamatute pidamist Eestis (2010) (Flashi book)
- Personalia Elust, olust ja tõuaretusest. 2008 (PDF format)
- Proceedings Proceedings of 13th Animal Breeding Conference (2007) (PDF format)
- Proceedings Animal Breeding in the Baltics (2004) (PDF format)
- Proceedings Proceedings of 7th Animal Breeding Conference (2001) (PDF format)
- Book Dr. agr. Elmar Järvesoo prof. emer. elu ja töö (2001) (ELNET)
- Book Dr. agr. Elmar Järvesoo prof. emer. elu ja töö (2001) (PDF format)
- Journal Tõuloomakasvatus 1998/1-2002/1, 2002/3-....
Small prints
- Tõuloom 2009 - ... programmes
- Academic Aarne Pung memorial day invitation 2009 (PDF format)
- Tõuloom 2008 programme. (PDF format)
- ETLL information in newspaper Äripäev. 2008 (PDF format)
- ETLL 10. anniversary invitation. 2007 (PDF format)
- Tõuloom 2007 programme (PDF format)